Saturday, November 15, 2014

Artist Meei-Ling Ng transforms the "Want Knot"

With the Help of Lucia Thome and Billy Dufala, from RAIR, I donated the "Want Knot" to the Asian Arts Initiative current Social Practice Lab artist Meei-Ling Ng, for her project “Grow Food Where you Live." She has been working with community members to transform the boat into a public garden that will be located in Chinatown North. Thanks again to everyone at Revolution Recovery and RAIR (Fern, Billy and Lucia) for making this all possible!

“Grow Food Where You Live” is name of the yearlong project that Social Practice Lab artist Meei Ling Ng created to inspire residents and stakeholders of Chinatown North / Callowhill to establish small garden plots and, eventually, a central community garden. From Summer 2014 through 2015, Meei Ling will work with community members to create and maintain a series of artistic planter installations throughout the neighborhood. The installations will combine living plants (both edible and decorative) with sculpture made from recycled and found materials.

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